Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Sleeping in Court Room

Court room humour get passed on from generation to generation among lawyers. Here is one which I liked to be very hilarious. This happenned during the English regime,
The Climate of Madras, sometimes due to the high degree of humididty becomes unbearably hit in the middle of the day (even in those days). It is difficult for judges somewhat advanced in age to struggle against the soporific effect of having to sit in the same place and listening to the drone of long arguments. These days it is called the graveyard hour
Eardley Norton (A senior advocate of those days, Norton Street in Mandaveli is named after him) was arguing a first appeal in which the questions involved were of a dry and uninteresting charecter which even a Norton could not make lively.
Chief Justice. Sir John Wallis was hearing the case. Norton went on citing decisions and reading out long passages from them. While so Norton noticed that Sir John Wallis had slipped into a quiet nap. And the Duffdar (the guy who calls names of the parties thrice in movies but in real courts his job is something else and he does not stand behind the judge holding a stick during the hearings) of the court was also enjoying his nap sitting and leaning against the dias; this made Norton irritated.
Norton suddenly pushed down the entire pile of books which fell down on the wooden floor with a loud thump. The sleeping Duffdar shot up from his sleep and so also the chief justice who woke up with a jerk
"I am sorry, my Lord" said Norton. "why, what is the matter Mr. Norton" asked the Chief Justice.
"oh! Nothing my Lord" said Norton "it is only the impertinence of that Duffdar to think that he can go to sleep in open court, just as if he is also a Judge.


Narayanan Venkitu said...

Very funny sir. I never knew this 'Norton Street' details. Thanks for this update.

Wonder what these 'duffdars' are called now?

Chakra said...

hahaha.. u hav told this once before. :)

didn't know the history behind Norton street.

Unknown said...

Duffdars are these days called "o.As" denoting to office assistants.
This is one of the jokes which lawyers love to tell again and again
Judges these days are not as sportive as Sir John wallis and lawyers.

Chakra said...

whats wrong with your template? y does your photo & other links at the right appear after all the posts?

or is that only in my browser??

Unknown said...

I was thining I am the only person with browser difficulties. (I am still unable to read tamil fonts properly) but this photo and links stuff I am able to see properly. I dont see anything wrong with the template.

Chakra said...

Vasu.. think its some issue with IE. I checked your site from 3 different machines in our office and it looks dodgy... But when viewed in Firefox, it looks properly aligned though your foto. will send screenshots of the same to u now.. check your gmail inbox.

expertdabbler said...

Gud one Vasu:-)

Krish said...

Here is one more joke for your profession:

Judge: I am going to give you a suspended sentence.

Accused: Thank you, my Lord!

Judge: What for? You are going to be HANGED.


Unknown said...

That was a pun on the word 'suspended' here is one on 'sentence'
There was a debate if 'marriage' was a word or sentence.
the ruling came that it was a sentence- 'life sentence'

Unknown said...

Why do you doubt that she is not sentenced.

Anonymous said...

I hope you write about your day with a Thunderbird

Anonymous said...

hehehe that was very funny but interesting

Unknown said...

Welcome here
I sure will write about it tommorrow. I having a great ride.
Yes it was interesting :) please keep frequenting here.

Chakra said...

Vasu.. one quickie..

Can a person studying law appear in the court & argue for a client. I am currently reading "Sons of Fortune" by Jeffrey Archer, where a 2nd year law student takes up the case and argues. The story setting is in United States. But still, I was wondering how it could be possible.

Hope you won't tell me that a guy learning to code can very well develop a software for a client. :)

expertdabbler said...

where is yr book list(tagged by kiruba?)

No, your son's school books, civil procdure code, criminal procedure code and bare acts... idhellam aatathukku kedayadhu :-)

Archana Ramesh said...

You've been tagged!:D
Btw, did Sir John Wallis wear this curly hair wig during the hearing?

ada-paavi!!!! said...

first time on ur blog. good joke sir.
u have an interestig blog.

Archana Ramesh said...

Next post? I guess you must be busy :)

Unknown said...

A mere Law degree doesnt give us the right to practice. we have to based on this Law degree enroll ourselves in the Bar council. In the US Law Graduates will have to give their much tougher Bar Exam before they could set up practice. So a II year student cannot represent anyone in the courts.

Unknown said...

Welcome here. But I remember to have seen your comment to one of my earlier posts too. So welcome back.

Unknown said...

Tough days, I will have to unpack several boxes to start counting the number of books I have so Book tag will take sometime. lol

Unknown said...

Yes it was long due and The Courts having reopened elicited more time from me than I had in my dispossal.

Twin-Gemini said...

Sooper Joku! :-)

Aarthi Srinivasan said...

hello attimber,

came to know of ur blog from karthik. gr8 blog. keep up keyboard engaged.

Anonymous said...

haha nice one! :) :)